'Holy Spirit, We Welcome You ... '

Luke 1:1-38
God was about to do ‘a new thing’(Isaiah 43:19). It was centred on Christ, though John also played his part (31-33,16-17). There were obstacles - Zechariah and Elizabeth were ‘old’(18), and Mary had ‘no man’(34). What were these obstacles to God? - Nothing: ‘with God nothing will be impossible’(37). How are we to respond to God’s ‘new thing’? - ‘let it be to me according to Your Word’(38). How will God’s ‘new thing’ make progress among us? - Through the power of the Holy Spirit: ‘he will be filled with the Holy Spirit’(15), ‘The Holy Spirit will come upon you...’(34). ‘Holy Spirit, we welcome you... Move among us with holy fire... Let the breeze of your presence flow... Please accomplish in me today, some new work of loving grace, I pray; Unreservedly have Your way...’(Mission Praise, 241).


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