A Wonderful Story - But Not The Greatest Story

Acts 9:1-22
This was the great turning-point - for both Saul's salvation and the Gospel mission.
Saul's life was transformed by Christ's love. The persecutor became the preacher. "It is no longer I that live, but Christ who lives in me" (Galatians 2:20).
This was a personal call - "Saul, Saul" (Acts 9:4). It was a call to faith in Jesus (Acts 9:5), It was a call to work for Jesus - it was not only what he was to do then, it was what he was to do for the rest of his life (Acts 9:6,15): preaching Christ (Acts 9:20,22).
What a new beginning this was - so much more than the conversion of Saul. This is about more than Saul becoming Paul. It's about Jesus, God's Son, our Saviour.
Wherever Paul went, he spoke of Jesus and won people for Jesus.
Paul's story is a wonderful story, but it isn't the greatest story,
It's not Paul who is our Saviour. It's Jesus.


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