Receiving The Lord's Joy And Growing In His Joy

"Righteous people will find joy in the Lord and take refuge in Him" (Psalm 64:10). 

There is only One who is truly righteous - Jesus Christ, God's Son. He has died for us. Now, we are righteous in Him.Our righteousness is based on His righteousness. Our forgiveness comes from this - Jesus died on the Cross for us. As well as the righteousness that comes us, as God's gift - "the vilest offender, who truly believes, that moment, from Jesus, a pardon receives", there is the call to live as righteous people - people whose lives show that we have been changed by the Lord as well as forgiven by Him. Real joy comes from Jesus. It's the joy of knowing that He has forgiven our sins. This joy grows stronger as we learn to walk with the Lord Jesus, seeking, by our lives, to bring praise and glory to His great Name, the Name of our salvation.


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