"The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace ..." (Galatians 5:22-23).

 * The love in us comes from the love of God.
 * The joy in us comes from the joy of God.
 * The peace in us comes from the peace of God.
 ... The God of love, the God of joy, the God of peace ... 
 Without God, there can be no love in us, no joy in us , no peace in us ...
 ... Love, Joy peace ... That's what we find in Jesus.
The fruit of the Spirit grows in us as we are learning to love Jesus, learning to rejoice in our Saviour, learning to rest in the peace of Christ.
The fruit of the Spirit grows in us as we learn to walk with Jesus in the way of patience, kindness and goodness.
The fruit of the Spirit grows in us as we travel to the Cross of Christ where we learn the way of faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.


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