Thursday 2 January 2020

What we cannot do for ourselves, God does for us ...

17th April: Matthew 19:3-30
Even though 'large crowds followed Him' still 'the Pharisees' opposed Jesus (2-3). Jesus' teaching regarding marriage has perfect balance. Marriage is God's purpose for 'male and female' (4-5). 'Others have renounced marriage because of the kingdom of heaven' (12). There is no compulsion in these matters. Each one must seek God's will. Celibacy should not be viewed with suspicion. This way can also be chosen for the sake of the Kingdom of heaven. It must not be suggested that celibacy is the only truly 'spiritual' way. Jesus calls for humility (14,30). What we cannot do for ourselves, God does for us (23-26). The Gospel humbles us and exalts God. Before we can be exalted by God and with Him, we must be humbled by God and before Him. 'Eternal life' (16) begins when, conscious of our sin - 'Who then can be saved?' (25) - we look to Christ alone for salvation.
18th April: Matthew 20:1-28
The workers served for different lengths of time (1-7). They received equal payment (8-16). This a parable of grace. Some have served the Lord a long time. Some have served Him a short time. The length of time is not the most important thing. More important is this: each one of us has been saved by grace. We owe it all to the Lord, the Giver of salvation. In verses 17-19, Jesus speaks of His death and resurrection. These are the great events upon which our salvation rests (1 Corinthians 15:1-4). If we are to follow Christ, we must walk the way of the Cross (22). He suffered for us. We must be ready to suffer for Him. His glory did not come without suffering. Our glory will not come without suffering. Do not seek 'greatness'. Go the way of the Cross (26-28).
19th April: Matthew 20:29-21:17
Four times, Jesus is called 'the Son of David' (30-31, 9,15). Christ is greater than David. He is David's 'Lord' (22:41-46). Christ is not only 'the Son of David'. He is also the Son of God (Romans 1:3-4). We rejoice with the Psalms of David. We rejoice even more in the Gospel of Christ. Our response to Christ is to be marked by discipleship, depth and devotion. Discipleship - The blind men 'received their sight and followed Him' (34). They did not receive their sight and then forget about Him. Grace is to be followed by gratitude. Those who have received grace are to give themselves to the Lord in gratitude. Depth - The crowds were enthusiastic (8-9) but superficial (27:20-23). Pray for depth, a true and lasting response to Christ. Devotion - Pray that the spirit of praise will overcome the spirit of pride (15).
20th April: Matthew 21:18-46
Jesus entered the city (10). He entered the temple (12). He went 'back to the city' (18). He entered the temple (23). Here, we have the pattern for Christian living - in the place of worship, out into the world, back to the place of worship...Worship, witness, worship... The two go hand in hand throughout the Christian life. We will encounter unbelief - even in the place of worship (23). God's servants - the prophets - were rejected (35-36). God's Son - Jesus - was rejected (37-39). We live in a situation where the threat of judgment is very real (19). Nevertheless, there is hope. Christ is 'the Church's one Foundation' (Church Hymnary, 420). Through Him, we will bear fruit which will bring glory to God (42-43). We have been slow to believe, but God is 'swift to bless'. No more 'I will not' - let there be repentance, entering God's Kingdom and doing His will (29- 31).
21st April: Proverbs 2:16-34
We read the warning about 'the adulteress': 'her house leads down to death' (16-18). We also hear the warning of the Gospel: 'the wages of sin is death' (Romans 6:23). We are told that 'none who go to her return or attain the paths of life' (19). Left to ourselves, none of us would return to God, none of us would find the way to life (Romans 3:10-12). Some seek 'prosperity' (1). They seek 'a good name in the sight' (4). We must not, however, make these things the be-all and end-all. There is more to life than material possessions, more than high ratings in the popularity stakes. There is eternal life - 'the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord' (Romans 6:23) - and the forgiveness of sins - 'justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ' (Romans 5:1).

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