A new generation has to be won for Christ. Will we rise to the challenge?

Numbers 26:23-65 
There is real sadness in the final words of this chapter: 'There was not left a man of them, except Caleb and Joshua' (65). There is also a sense of expectation. So many had died in the wilderness. This was now a new generation. We're living in changing times. God is equipping His people for new challenges. We must not stand still. We dare not say, 'It's never been done that way before'! A new generation has to be won for Christ. Will we rise to the challenge? Or, will we 'die in the wilderness (65)? Taking possession of 'the promised land' would not be easy. Making advances for Christ will not be easy. We must lay aside those things which need to 'die in the wilderness'. We take hold of all that God has done for us - if there is to be 'Good News for the next generation'!


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