Why settle for anything less than the Best, anything less than our Lord Jesus Christ?

Proverbs 5:15-23 
There is teaching here concerning faithfulness in marriage: 'may you rejoice in the wife of your youth...may you ever be captivated by her love (18-19). We may apply this teaching to our relationship with the Saviour. You loved Him so much in 'your youth'. You were 'rejoicing in Him'. You were 'captivated by His love'. 'You were doing so well', but something happened - you have gone off course (Galatians 5:7-8). Is this the story of your life? Return to 'your first love' (Revelation 2:4-5). There is also a warning against unfaithfulness (20). This can also be applied to our relationship with Christ. He 'loved us and gave Himself for us'. He calls us to be 'holy...a radiant church' (Ephesians 5:25-27). We belong to Him. Why settle for anything less than the Best, anything less than our Lord Jesus Christ?


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